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Best shanghai games for free download
Here you can find the best shanghai games available for free download. You can download any shanghai game and try it for free to decide whether you like it or not. Some games provide 60 minutes of gameplay, others can limit you with a 30 or 15 day trial period. Some of the shanghai games are free at all. Choose any shanghai game you like and try it!
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The latest Big City Adventure is here! With the perfect blend of modern and traditional influences, the renowned metropolis of Shanghai awaits you!
The ultimate Mahjong game with 120 levels and 6 fun themes: Christmas, Halloween, Asian, Easter, Wonderland and Future. This game is definitely designed for the mahjong lovers, and for those who enjoy challenging memorization and a sharp eye.
PilesOTiles is a game based on the Solitaire Mahjongg series of games, in which you must pair off groups of colorful tiles in order to complete the round. Using large playing tiles which are easy to distinguish, the game is playable by all ages.
Mindjongg is our full featured Mahjong tile matching game with 17 3D tilesets and over 50 layouts. You can also create your layouts and tilesets and share with others over Internet. Numerious new game options to enrich your game experience!
A unique game of thought in 3 dimensions requiring you to form the words presented on the board by using the lettered cubes. It is up to you to learn to correctly position the cubes. It's just you, your mind and the cubes!

Based on Shanghai Mahjongg solitaire; remove tiles by pairs, but make sure they’re both free on the side you’re playing.