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Best country games for free download
Here you can find the best country games available for free download. You can download any country game and try it for free to decide whether you like it or not. Some games provide 60 minutes of gameplay, others can limit you with a 30 or 15 day trial period. Some of the country games are free at all. Choose any country game you like and try it!
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An ancient evil awakened in the kingdom. Travel through the four valleys on a strategy adventure and
save the kingdom on the brink of destruction.

Get lost in a haunted house that keeps changing!

Joining Arthur's rebellion against the false king wrapped with heroic stories and exciting match-3 puzzles!

A couple's fixer-upper is haunted by a fierce creature.

A couple's fixer-upper is haunted by a fierce creature.

Get ready to travel to France on a new mosaic adventure and enjoy the enchanting smells and tastes of Autumn in France!

Researching the cause of a mysterious supernatural epidemic will have wildly unpredictable consequences...

Researching the cause of a mysterious supernatural epidemic will have wildly unpredictable consequences...

A romantic match 3 adventure of a lifetime! Experience the sites and sounds of famous French locations!

Explore an unknown country with the Incas and find long lost paths in this high-adventure time management game!

Take a romantic summer journey through the Italian countryside while solving mosaic puzzles.

A huge dragon came to Paper Land and destroyed everything. Only one knight survived. Can you help him revenge the kingdom?

Travel to Greece, the home of western civilization and uncover the secrets of this beautiful country!

The birthplace of the western world awaits you. Travel to Greece and unlock its secrets, through a series of challenging puzzles set in the capital city of Athens, ancient sanctuary of Delphi or the lava-pebbled beaches of Santorini.

Meet the Forest’s Guardian in this gorgeous rainbow-colored mosaics adventure!

In this unique solitaire adventure, tour a country with a great history and unforgettable architecture.

Follow Lisa's journey as she learns the intricacies of running her own movie studio. Visit the world's trendiest movie festivals, meet celebrities and fall madly in love!

A sudden murder overshadows the writing opportunity of a lifetime.

What secrets are hiding in the European countryside?

A sudden murder overshadows the writing opportunity of a lifetime.