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Best card-game games for free download
Here you can find the best card-game games available for free download. You can download any card-game game and try it for free to decide whether you like it or not. Some games provide 60 minutes of gameplay, others can limit you with a 30 or 15 day trial period. Some of the card-game games are free at all. Choose any card-game game you like and try it!
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Play the classic card games of WHIST! Play against the computer, with between 2 and 4 players. Use Windows to achieve the realistic atmosphere of a Whist game with animation and sound. Play Standard Whist rules, or Knock Out Whist rules.
Play Gin Rummy, 500 Rummy, Oklahoma Rummy, Michigan Rummy, Boat House Rummy, Pinochle Rummy, Kaluki, Round the Corner Rummy, One Meld Rummy, Wild Card Rummy, Indian Rummy.
This program is recognised as playing the best game of the popular card game of EUCHRE with the benefits of playing through WINDOWS.
Play the classic card games of Canasta! Play against the computer playing between 1 and 5 opponents. Use Windows to achieve the realistic atmosphere of a Canasta game with animation and sound.
This program plays the enduringly popular card game of Bridge. Use Windows to achieve the realistic atmosphere of a Bridge game with animation and sound. It comes complete with a help file and on screen explanation of the bidding logic.
This enjoyable card game cleverly blends the rules of poker with solitaire. The game is easy to learn, fun to play, and extremely addicting! Countless hours of entertainment and challenge are packed into this unique game.
Pretty Good Solitaire is a collection of 835 solitaire games. It features lush graphics, beautiful easy-to-read cards, sound, in-depth statistics, and solitaire for points in solitaire quests.
Play Solitaire on Mac and Windows. You get over 110 fun levels to play, and three unique solitaire games in one package! Enjoy the three games Klondike, Tri Peaks and Matching, accompanied by soothing music and beautiful background images.
Software includes most popular poker variants (Texas Holdem, Omaha, Draw Poker) and 6 other unusual interesting games: Gin Rummy, Bezique, Piquet, Bela, 1000, Terts. Take a part in tournaments, play Limit, Pot Limit or No Limit poker.
Classic Solitaire, the solitaire card game everyone is familiar with. Play in full screen mode, and with auto complete. Game play is fast, perfect for a quick break from work in the office.
Solitaire Wizard is a solitaire game that includes the popular game Klondike (Windows Solitaire) and 15 other similar games. It features lush graphics, large easy-to-read cards, sound, and in-depth statistics.
Play solitaire as an arcade game with Action Solitaire. Unlike regular solitaire, Action Solitaire is played for points against the clock in timed rounds. Action Solitaire has 75 different games.

The star of Supermarket Mania is back in an all-new sequel set in Tinseltown, where her Uncle Ross needs help with his troubled grocery stores and Mr. Torg is plotting his revenge!

US Marshal Teddy Daniels has come to Shutter Island, home of Ashecliffe Hospital for the Criminally Insane.

Lord Longstep has set off on a grand adventure across the globe to save the love of his life, Mary.

When Lora and Mark’s marriage reaches a breaking point, she sets out on a journey to St. Petersburg, Russia, a city that has mysteriously fascinated her throughout her life.

At the heart of Pure Hidden is a beautiful plant with buds that grow into flowers and, finally, reveal their ‘fruit’, small boxes of moisturizer (66 in all).

Paparazzi puts you camera-first into the bizarre world of tabloid newspapers. Travel the country on the trail of hot gossip and absurd stories.

When Catherine receives word of an attack on the Magic Academy, she sets out to save her school from a fate worse than foreclosure!

In Hide and Secret travel to 30 locations across the globe to rescue the Treasures of the Ages and defeat Jacques and his henchman Toadie!