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Tic Tac Files
Tic Tac Files screenshot
Tic Tac Files file size is 15 MB. The game is free to download and try. Play this game for free to decide if you like it. If you like it, you can safely and securely buy the full version of Tic Tac Files game online for $6.99.
Tic Tac Files game is published by Impresa.
Last updated
Three thousand years ago we believed that the Earth is flat board and THAT'S WHY the Tic Tac Toe (XO-game) has been played at the flat game board.
Since 20th Century we have new four-dimensional model of reality, which conceptual framework ads time in space-time continuum - THAT'S WHY our modern version of Tic Tac is playing on continuous game board that has no boundaries.
We modernized an ancient logic game for you - check Tic Tac Files out NOW!
Special features:
- No tutorial: just follow our the one-click away Hint
- Your temporal game has saved already
- Full screen option enriches full player's experience
- Amazing video-effects
- Review all your moves by using backward and forward arrows
.. And much more Games related and similar to Tic Tac Files include brain game downloads, free, tictac games, all of them and Tic Tac Files itself are available for download from The Game Album.