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Tradewinds 2
Tradewinds 2 file size is 11 MB. The game is free to download and try. Play this game for free to decide if you like it. If you like it, you can safely and securely buy the full version of Tradewinds 2 game online for $6.99.
Tradewinds 2 game is published by Bigfish.
Last updated
Amass a fortune by buying and selling goods. Earn enough gold to upgrade your ship and engage in land and sea battles. Encounter a fascinating new world and discover uncharted ports. Two game modes and over sixty hours of gameplay await you. Play Tradewinds 2 and explore your new world.
- Buy low and sell high in 20 different ports with 1
- Choose one of 5 characters or create and customize
- Embark on over 100 swashbuckling adventures