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Rotate Mania (PocketPC)
Rotate Mania (PocketPC) screenshot
Rotate Mania (PocketPC) file size is 1 MB. The game is free to download and try. Play this game for free to decide if you like it. If you like it, you can safely and securely buy the full version of Rotate Mania (PocketPC) game online for $16.95.
Rotate Mania (PocketPC) game is published by
Last updated
Rotate Mania is a fresh new game combining the elements of arcade and puzzle to form a very addictive mix. If you like Tetris, Clickomania, Collapse - this one is in the same vein but quite different and entertaining. Several game modes and skill levels are included. Different game modes will suit players of both quick and calm temper - Strip and Shift Mania are for people who love meditative strategic games. Time Mania is exactly what it says - you will be hard pressed to win the game, as new blocks will appear while you are thinking on the next move - you'll have to be quick. You may use 'Show Step' button if you don't know which square to move. There is a Demo mode to help with the rules, or just to sit and watch, if you are in a kind of lazy mood today. Online contest for best players is set up on the net.
Both installer and uninstaller are included. Upgrades and support (if you ever need it) are free
for registered users.
In the registered game you will have:
different game-modes, both time-limited and meditative, for people of quick and calm temper;
three skill levels with increasing difficulty, something for everyone;
save your best results, and take part in the top players contest on the Web;
free technical support by e-mail;
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