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Road Trip USA II: West
Road Trip USA II: West file size is 201 MB. The game is free to download and try. Play this game for free to decide if you like it. If you like it, you can safely and securely buy the full version of Road Trip USA II: West game online for $6.99.
Road Trip USA II: West game is published by Bigfish.
Last updated
Road Trip is back with another amazing tour of the USA!
This time, explore beautiful locations spanning the Western states as you hunt for hidden objects. Hidden Object enthusiasts will rejoice with over 2,200 objects to locate across multiple game modes and beautiful hi-resolution scenes! For a change of pace, test your puzzle solving skills against a fun selection of mini games! Don’t miss this trip of a lifetime!
- Sometimes challenging but never frustrating
- Multiple hidden object modes
- NEW Finale test your knowledge of US trivia