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Pack of Solitaires (3 in 1)
Pack of Solitaires (3 in 1) screenshot
Pack of Solitaires (3 in 1) file size is 146 KB. The game is free to download and try. Play this game for free to decide if you like it. If you like it, you can safely and securely buy the full version of Pack of Solitaires (3 in 1) game online for $9.99.
Pack of Solitaires (3 in 1) game is published by VilleMobile, mobile games.
Last updated
The package includes three most popular solitaire games on Windows, Spider Solitaire, Classic Solitaire, and Freecell.
Spider Solitaire is the most fun solitaire game that is played with 104 cards in ten playing stacks. The object of Spider Solitaire is to remove all of the cards from the ten playing stacks. This Spider Solitaire games has three difficulty levels with one, two and four suits.
Classic Solitaire, also known as Klondike, is the most popular solitaire game ever. Two options for dealing cards let you play at different difficulty levels.
Freecell is fun and even addictive. Because all cards are visible at the start of the game, it is almost entirely a game of strategy and skill. Games related and similar to Pack of Solitaires (3 in 1) include card games, games of palm, treo/">palm-treo, games of palmone, treo game downloads, games of villemobile, all of them and Pack of Solitaires (3 in 1) itself are available for download from The Game Album.