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Lode Runner. Episode II: Bungeling Away

Lode Runner. Episode II: Bungeling Away file size is 1 MB. The game is free to download and try. Play this game for free to decide if you like it. If you like it, you can safely and securely buy the full version of Lode Runner. Episode II: Bungeling Away game online for $9.95.

Lode Runner. Episode II: Bungeling Away game is published by ZX Games.

Last updated on Jan 21, 2009.

If you are through with all the 75 levels of Episode I: Classicwards, take the next challenge. This second episode of Lode Runner series by ZX Games features a different and much tougher set of 75 levels, which were designed by Douglas Smith and unknown kids in the distant 1983.

The levels get progressively more difficult and are advantageous only to the angry Bungelings controlled by the AI as mean as ever. You are all alone to struggle against the 1983 brains, beat it to the end and, well, maybe relive the levels you have already completed or even tailor them to your taste by using the in-built level editor.

There is also the quick save & load feature to rest your weary fingers upon and prevent you from the collapse should the game get too zesty. Finite lives are an atavism, so there aren't any.

Smooth control engine is a no-annoy factor. Full-screen and window modes add up to the convenience. Games related and similar to Lode Runner. Episode II: Bungeling Away include arcade-related games, games containing classic, games of the lode-runner genre, remake/">lode-runner-remake, loderunner game downloads, loderunner-remake games, games of old, remake games, games of spectrum, zx-spectrum-like titles, all of them and Lode Runner. Episode II: Bungeling Away itself are available for download from The Game Album.

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