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Hector James (Palm)
Hector James (Palm) screenshot
Hector James (Palm) file size is 309 KB. The game is free to download and try. Play this game for free to decide if you like it. If you like it, you can safely and securely buy the full version of Hector James (Palm) game online for $9.99.
Hector James (Palm) game is published by John Howlett Ltd.
Last updated
London in 1930 and Hector James, journalist and sleuth, was the star of Fleet Street. Hector, formerly of His Majesty's Secret Service, has a week to foil the plans of kidnappers and murderers and deliver the exclusive stories that his editor demands.
In our most complex inebook yet Hector will need to sift through all the leads to find those cases worthy of his investigative skills that will provide him with headline news. Our hero will travel all over England in search of a story, knowing that his arch rival, J.R. Sims of The Times, is looking to get there first. Games related and similar to Hector James (Palm) include crime-style games, detective-related games, games containing inebooks, games containing interactive, mystery games, palm-related games, puzzle-style games, reporter games, spy games, all of them and Hector James (Palm) itself are available for download from The Game Album.