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Egglomania file size is 2 MB. The game is free to download and try. Play this game for free to decide if you like it. If you like it, you can safely and securely buy the full version of Egglomania game online for $17.95.

Egglomania game is published by Shoecake Games.

Last updated on Feb 11, 2003.

Egglomania takes the logic of our best selling puzzle game BoXiKoN to a new dimension. Carefully fit your eggs into the tray forming lines in three directions at once. The eggs appear in ever increasing complexity of colors, patterns and arrangements. Eggs must be lined up and shipped out before they crack! Use your skills of organization and planning to ensure you never run out of space! Sounds too easy? Give it a go! Egglomania is an addictive arcade puzzle game; a fresh addition to the classic puzzle game family. Games related and similar to Egglomania include games of the numbers genre, organizing games, sequence games, games containing shareware, all of them and Egglomania itself are available for download from The Game Album.

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