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BunnyMath (For PalmOS)
BunnyMath (For PalmOS) screenshot
BunnyMath (For PalmOS) file size is 255 KB. The game is free to download and try. Play this game for free to decide if you like it. If you like it, you can safely and securely buy the full version of BunnyMath (For PalmOS) game online for $14.95.
BunnyMath (For PalmOS) game is published by WAGWARE Systems, Inc..
Last updated
BunnyMath is a fun, yet educational, tool designed to help children improve their addition, subtraction, multiplication and division skills. BunnyMath includes two modes of learning: 'BunnyBop' and 'Classroom'. BunnyBop is designed to be a fun way to prepare the child for the math problems they will see in the 'Classroom' mode. The child taps on the bunny that displays the correct answer to the math problem. After 10 correct answers, the child is rewarded with one of several fun animations.
The Classroom setting is designed to allow the child to answer the questions at their own pace. This feature is very much like the Traditional 'Flash Cards' but with a twist. The twist is that for each correct answer, the bunny moves forward one space. Once 10 correct answers are entered, the bunny crosses the finish line. When the bunny crosses the finish line, the child is rewarded with a fun animation before moving on to the next level.
The parent or teacher can assign a certain percentage to allow a level to repeat (if needed). This helps make sure that the child is receiving problems that are not too difficult. BunnyMath also keeps up with the number of correct/incorrect answers so the parent or teacher can easily monitor the progress of the child.
<b>BunnyMath includes the following features :</b>
* Two different modes of learning (BunnyBop and Classroom)
* 100 Levels of Learning
* Each learning mode supports Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division
* Animated Graphics to make learning fun
* Statistics are saved for each child so parents/teachers can monitor progress
* Allows setting levels for each operator to different values
* Ability to re-test a level until an ideal score has been reached
* Setup screen to allow different configurations for each child
* Support for Color and B&W devices
We hope your children enjoy BunnyMath! Games related and similar to BunnyMath (For PalmOS) include card game downloads, games of kid, palm-style games, all of them and BunnyMath (For PalmOS) itself are available for download from The Game Album.