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Boulder Dash. Episode IV: Rockford Returns

Boulder Dash. Episode IV: Rockford Returns file size is 17 MB. The game is free to download and try. Play this game for free to decide if you like it. If you like it, you can safely and securely buy the full version of Boulder Dash. Episode IV: Rockford Returns game online for $9.95.

Boulder Dash. Episode IV: Rockford Returns game is published by ZX Games.

Last updated on Jan 20, 2009.

Boulder Dash. Episode IV: Rockford Returns. This is the fourth episode of the classical game redeveloped to enhance the playing experience. This remake features 32 caves from the original game and 3 difficulty levels. All in all, there are 96 dark caves waiting for you to dig through. Improved gameplay & usability, varying color palettes, 4 background music themes composed specifically for this release. Rediscover the long forgotten caves, trick and eliminate the flies by pushing boulders, watch them explode, stop the growing amoeba, and indulge your natural greed by collecting the shimmering diamonds. Try it all out. Go for quality and think retro. Download trial version and play the first 4 levels for free. Games related and similar to Boulder Dash. Episode IV: Rockford Returns include arcade-style games, boulder-dash-like titles, games containing clone/">boulder-dash-clone, boulder-dash-remake-style games, classic, games of the classic-arcade genre, clone-like titles, games of the old genre, spectrum, zx-spectrum-like titles, all of them and Boulder Dash. Episode IV: Rockford Returns itself are available for download from The Game Album.

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