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Boulder Dash. Episode III: Final Blast
Boulder Dash. Episode III: Final Blast file size is 24 MB. The game is free to download and try. Play this game for free to decide if you like it. If you like it, you can safely and securely buy the full version of Boulder Dash. Episode III: Final Blast game online for $9.95.
Boulder Dash. Episode III: Final Blast game is published by ZX Games.
Last updated
Boulder Dash. Episode III: Final Blast
The third episode of the Boulder Dash series. The ultimate challenge for die hard fans (as well as for anyone else looking for a quality time waster and nostalgia inducer).
Boulders, diamonds, collect, think, crawl, plunge into greed and insecticide bloodlust. Kill, destroy, trap butterflies and fireflies, stomp the amoeba, let yourself be a Rockford for day (or 96 days if you want to stretch the pleasure).
Episode III: Final Blast presents new levels carefully selected from other Boulder Dash games to let you take the ultimate test of your skills. It is experience that matters this time, not novelty thinking. Take the final challenge, blast it to the end.
- 32 caves copied from the very original "Boulder Dash VI" and "Boulder Dash VII" games
- 3 difficulty levels
- 4 new background music themes
- Smooth gameplay
- Variable game speed
- Color palettes varying from level to level Games related and similar to Boulder Dash. Episode III: Final Blast include arcade, boulder-dash games, clone/">boulder-dash-clone-related games, remake/">boulder-dash-remake-like titles, classic-related games, classic-arcade games, clone, games of old, games containing remake, games of the spectrum genre, zx-spectrum-style games, all of them and Boulder Dash. Episode III: Final Blast itself are available for download from The Game Album.