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Boulder Dash. Episode II: Jive-n-Cave
Boulder Dash. Episode II: Jive-n-Cave file size is 14 MB. The game is free to download and try. Play this game for free to decide if you like it. If you like it, you can safely and securely buy the full version of Boulder Dash. Episode II: Jive-n-Cave game online for $9.95.
Boulder Dash. Episode II: Jive-n-Cave game is published by ZX Games.
Last updated
Boulder Dash. Episode II: Jive-n-Cave.
A sequel to Episode I: Dig The Past, more intense and mind-racking at times. The game's vile creatures have no mercy for the mole, which is digging through dark and dangerous caves, still looking for diamonds at your command.
Episode II: Jive-n-Cave now comes with color palettes varying from level to level and has an overall jazzy feel, which means that you will need to use your head and improvise at the same time to win the game.
- 32 caves copied from the very original "Boulder Dash IV" and "Boulder Dash V" games
- 3 difficulty levels
- 4 background music themes different not only from each other, but also from Episode I: Dig The Past
- Smooth gameplay
- Variable game speed
- Color palettes varying from level to level Games related and similar to Boulder Dash. Episode II: Jive-n-Cave include arcade games, boulder-dash games, games of clone/">boulder-dash-clone, remake/">boulder-dash-remake, classic-like titles, classic-arcade, clone-style games, old-like titles, remake game downloads, spectrum, games of zx-spectrum, all of them and Boulder Dash. Episode II: Jive-n-Cave itself are available for download from The Game Album.