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Best zx-spectrum games for free download by popularity
Here you can find the best zx-spectrum games available for free download. You can download any zx-spectrum game and try it for free to decide whether you like it or not. Some games provide 60 minutes of gameplay, others can limit you with a 30 or 15 day trial period. Some of the zx-spectrum games are free at all. Choose any zx-spectrum game you like and try it!
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Boulder Dash. Episode III: Final Blast. The game features 96 new levels, 4 different background music themes, varying color palettes. Smooth gameplay. Animation, music, SFX and programming all done by professionals. Download free trial and play.
Lode Runner. Episode II: Bungeling Away. Second episode of series by ZX Games. Another set of 75 levels for those who have completed the first episode. Infinite lives, quick save & load, level browser, full-screen & window modes. And level editor.
Lode Runner. Episode I: Classicwards. Remake of classic arcade game. 75 levels + level editor. Infinite lives, quick save & load, level browser, full-screen & window modes. This is just the first episode. There are more to come!
Boulder Dash. Episode II: Jive-n-Cave. The game features 96 new levels, 4 different background music themes and now comes with varying color palettes. Animation, music, sound effects and programming all done by professionals. Download free trial.
Redeveloped version of the 80s top-seller. Move elements with the same symbol together, watch out for gravity. 150 levels of relaxing entertainment. No time limits. Full mouse control.
Get ready for a new Arkanoid experience! Krakout Reincarnation is a new dynamic remake of classic Krakout game that was a huge hit among ZX-Spectrum, Commodore 64, and Amiga fans.
Boulder Dash. Episode IV: Rockford Returns. This remake features 96 levels from the original game. Enhanced gameplay & usability, varying color palettes, 4 background music themes. Download trial version and play the first 4 levels for free.
Get ready for a new Arkanoid experience! Krakout RE is a new dynamic remake of classic Krakout game that was a huge hit among ZX-Spectrum, Commodore 64, and Amiga fans.